Stephen Terry's Solid Bodies Collection

Cette extraordinaire collection est celle de Stephen Terry de Littleton/CO/USA.
Un grand collectionneur Américain que je remercie pour ces magnifiques
photos et pour sa participation à l'enrichissement de ce site.
This is the amazing Stephen Terry's Collection. He live in Littleton/CO/USA.
Many Thanks for these splendid pictures and for your help.

Stephen Terry

Viper III & Viper Maple

Viper III & Viper Mahogany

Deacon 6 Strings

Deacon 6 Strings

Preacher 6 Strings Mahogany

Preacher 6 Strings Mahogany

UKII Sunburst with Pickguard

UKII Sunburst with Pickguard

UKII, Deacon & Preacher 6 Strings

Viper Maple

Viper Mahogany
(look a the grain of the wood!!!)

Deacon 12 Strings (Mahogany)!!!

Deacon 12 Strings (back)

Deacon 12 Strings (Mahogany)

Deacon 12 Strings & Preacher 12 Strings

Preacher 12 Strings

Preacher 12 Strings

Deacon 12 Strings & Preacher 12 Strings